Quote: A goal is a dream that has an ending. (Duke Ellington)
Phrasal verb: see off
Definition: to go to the airport, station or car with someone who is leaving and say good bye to him/her
E.g.1: When Kim’s friend left, she took her to the airport to see her off safely.

Quote: A goal is a dream that has an ending. (Duke Ellington)

Phrasal verb: see off

Definition: to go to the airport, station or car with someone who is leaving and say good bye to him/her

E.g.1: When Kim’s friend left, she took her to the airport to see her off safely.

E.g.2: The car was packed, the visit was over. With sadness we all went outside to see off our cousins. We waved until the car had disappeared round the corner.

This phrasal verb can be separated (e.g.1)


He left his _______ at the station and went sightseeing.

1. handbag, 2. suitcase, 3. purse, 4. sack


The Grand Emir Is Thirsty

An Arab diplomat visiting the US for the first time was being wined and dined by the State Department. The Grand Emir was unused to the salt in American foods (french fries, cheeses, salami, anchovies etc.) and was constantly sending his manservant Abdul to fetch him a glass of water. Time and again, Abdul would scamper off and return with a glass of water, but then came the time when he returned empty-handed.

„Abdul, you son of an ugly camel, where is my water?“ demanded the Grand Emir.

„A thousand pardons, O Illustrious One,“ stammered the wretched Abdul, „white man sit on well.“

Correct answer to the test question: 2. suitcase (Králik Róbert)


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