Quote: The truth must dazzle gradually / Or every man be blind. (Emily Dickinson)
Phrasal verb:colour (something) in
Definition: to fill a shape or the outline of a picture with colours, using crayons, pens or paint.
E.g.1. The little boy was busy colouring in a picture of an elephant.

Quote: The truth must dazzle gradually / Or every man be blind. (Emily Dickinson)

Phrasal verb:colour (something) in

Definition: to fill a shape or the outline of a picture with colours, using crayons, pens or paint.

E.g.1. The little boy was busy colouring in a picture of an elephant.

E.g.2. Which pen should I use to colour my picture in?

This phrasal verb can be separated. (E.g.2)


A husband and wife share a head teacher post have become the subject of research to see if the idea could work _______ .

1. everywhere, 2. nowhere, 3. elsewhere, 4. somewhere.


Two guys are driving through Alabama when they get pulled over by a state trooper. The trooper walks up and taps on the window with his nightstick. The driver rolls down the window and the trooper smacks him in the head with the stick.

The driver says, „Why’d you do that?

The trooper says, „You’re in Alabama, son. When I pull you over, you’ll have your license and registration ready.“

The driver says, „I’m sorry, officer, I’m not from around here.“

The trooper runs a check on the guy’s license and registration, and he comes up clean.

He gives the guy his license and registration back and walks around to the passenger side and taps on the window. The passenger rolls his window down and the trooper smacks him in the head with the nightstick. The passenger says, „What’d you do that for?“

The cop says, „Just making your wishes come true.“

The passenger, baffled, says, „Huh?“

The cop replies, „I know that two miles down the road you’re gonna say,

‘I Wish that dickhead would’ve tried that shit with me.’“

Correct answer to the test question: 3. elsewhere (Králik Róbert)


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