Quote: We are all born into the world with nothing. Everything we acquire after that is profit. (Sam Ewing)
Phrasal verb: find (something) out
Definition: to discover or learn something that you didn’t know.
(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)

Quote: We are all born into the world with nothing. Everything we acquire after that is profit. (Sam Ewing)

Phrasal verb: find (something) out

Definition: to discover or learn something that you didn’t know.

(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)

E.g.1. I don’t know the answer to that question, but I can find out for you.

E.g.2. It’s amazing what you can find out by chatting to people!

E.g.3. How did you find that out?

This phrasal verb can be separated, but usually isn’t.


The world’s first anti-malarial tablets specifically _______ for children are launched in the UK on Wednesday.

1. formula, 2. formulated, 3. formulatet, 4. formlated.


My Good Deed

A guy arrives at the pearly gates, waiting to be admitted. St. Peter is reading through the Big Book to see if the guy’s name is written in it. After several minutes, St. Peter closes the book, furrows his brow, and says, „I’m sorry, I don’t see your name written in the Book.”

„How current is your copy?” he asks.

„I get a download every ten minutes.” St. Peter replies, „Why do you ask?”

„I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I was always the stubborn type. It was not until my death was imminent that I cried out to God, so my name probably hasn’t arrived to your copy yet.”

„I’m glad to hear that, „Pete says, „but while we’re waiting for the update to come through, can you tell me about a really good deed that you did in your life?”

The guys thinks for a moment and says, „Hmmm, well there was this one time when I was driving down a road and I saw a group of biker gang members harassing this poor girl. I slowed down, and sure enough, there they were, about 20 of them harassing this poor woman. Infuriated, I got out my car, grabbed a tire iron out of my trunk, and walked up to the leader of the gang. He was a huge guy; 6-foot-4, 260 pounds, with a studded leather jacket and a chain running from his nose to his ears. As I walked up to the leader, the bikers formed a circle around me and told me to get lost or I’d be next.”

„So I ripped the leader’s chain out of his face and smashed him over the head with the tire iron. Then I turned around and yelled to the rest of them. Leave this poor innocent girl alone! You’re all a bunch of SICK, deranged animals! Go home before I really teach you a lesson in PAIN!”

St. Peter, duly impressed, says „Wow! When did this happen”

„About three minutes ago.”

Correct answer to the test question: 2. formulated (Králik Róbert)


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