Quote: A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. A woman must do what he can’t. (Rhonda Hansom)
Phrasal verb: put (something) down
Definition: to write or type words or numbers.
(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)

Quote: A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. A woman must do what he can’t. (Rhonda Hansom)

Phrasal verb: put (something) down

Definition: to write or type words or numbers.

(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)

E.g.1: I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is when you’re in the world (A lyric in ‘Your Song’ by Sir Elton John).

E.g.2: I have to put all this information down on paper or I’ll forget it.

This phrasal verb can be separated. (E.g.2)

Phrasal verb: go over (something)

Definition: to examine, discuss or consider something carefully.

(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)

E.g.1: I’ve finished the story but I need to go over it to check for spelling mistakes and that kind of thing.

E.g.2: Could we go over this again? There are some parts I don’t understand.

This phrasal verb can’t be separated.


Singer Bobby Brown, Whitney Houston’s husband, is ordered to stand trial on driving charges that _______ six years.

1. go back, 2. backed, 3. went back, 4. are back.


The Young Ventriloquist

A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and stops to entertain at a bar in a small town. He’s going through his usual run of silly blonde jokes when a big blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and says, „OK jerk, I’ve heard just about enough of your denigrating blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What do a person’s physical attributes have to do with their worth as a human being? It’s guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in my community, of reaching my full potential as a person...because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes but women at large...all in the name of humor.“ Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to apologize, when the blonde pipes up, „You stay out of this mister, I’m talking to that little bastard on your knee!“

Correct answer to the test question: 1. go back (Králik Róbert)


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