
I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate. (Elbert Hubbard)
Phrasal verb
Boil away
Definition: to boil for so long that all the liquid disappears.
E.g.1: I had car trouble the other day.


I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate. (Elbert Hubbard)

Phrasal verb

Boil away

Definition: to boil for so long that all the liquid disappears.

E.g.1: I had car trouble the other day. My engine overheated and all the water boiled away because my radiator was broken.

E.g.2: Peter was cooking pasta the other day when the telephone rang. When he returned to the kitchen all the water had boiled away and the noodles were burnt.

This phrasal verb cannot be separated.


Students at Cambridge University _______ against top-up fees, as a paper against their introduction is „well received“ by the ruling council.

1. protest, 2. was protest, 3. protested, 4. protests


The Panda

A panda bear walks into a bar, sits on a stool and starts munching on some peanuts. He finishes the bowl and pulls out a gun. He shoots the guy sitting beside him and starts to make for the door.

„Why’d you do that?!?“ the bartender asks, stunned.

„Look ‘panda’ up in the encyclopedia.“ the bear answers as he walks out the door and starts down the street. Puzzled, the bartender shakes his head and goes back to work. Later that night when the bartender gets home he looks in his encyclopedia and is startled by what he sees:

„Panda – A wild animal that eats shoots and leaves“

Correct answer to the TEST question:

1. protest (Králik Róbert)


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