Quote: Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. (Mark Twain) Phrasal verb: leave alone/left alone Greta Garbo: I want to be left alone

Greta Garbo was a Swedish-born actress who was famous in Hollywood in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

Quote: Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. (Mark Twain) Phrasal verb: leave alone/left alone Greta Garbo: I want to be left alone

Greta Garbo was a Swedish-born actress who was famous in Hollywood in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Near the end of her life, in 1990, she was a recluse. She didn’t want to see many people and she stayed inside, away from the public. This line is famous because she always said, „I want to be left alone“.

Here are the ways to express being left alone in the negative and question forms. In the first question, it refers to not touching or bothering something. It is not actually asking the person to leave but to stop doing what he or she is doing.

„Will you please leave it alone?“

In the negative form here, the person making the statement does not want to be alone. „I don’t want to be left alone.“ „Don’t leave me alone.“


If your belt is too tight, you should _______ it.

1. lengthen, 2. loosen, 3. loose, 4. release


One day, in the Garden of Eden, Adam calls out to God, „Lord, I have a problem.“

„What’s the problem, Adam?“ God replies.

„Lord, I know you created me and surrounded me with this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, but I’m just not happy.“

„Why is that, Adam?“ comes the reply from the heavens.

„Lord, I know you created this place for me, with all this lovely food and all of the beautiful animals, but I am lonely.“

„Well Adam, in that case I have the perfect solution. I shall create a‘woman’ for you.“

„What’s a ‘woman,’ Lord?“

„This ‘woman’ will be the most intelligent, sensitive, caring, and beautiful creature I have ever created. She will be so intelligent that she can figure out what you want before you want it. She will be so sensitive and caring that she will know your every mood and how to make you happy. Her beauty will rival that of the heavens and earth. She will unquestioningly care for your every need and desire. She will be the perfect companion for you,“ replies the heavenly voice.

„Sounds great.“

„She will be, but this is going to cost you, Adam.“

„How much will this ‘woman’ cost me Lord?“ Adam replies.

„She’ll cost you a leg, an arm, an eye, an ear, and a testicle.“

Adam ponders this for some time, with a look of deep thought and concern on his face. Finally Adam asks God,

„Uh, what can I get for a rib?“

Correct answer to the test question: 2. loosen (Králik Róbert)


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