Reeve triggered Times Square New Year

New York. Actor Christopher Reeve and his wife, Dana, will helped lead this year‘s New Year‘s Eve countdown in Times Square.

New York. Actor Christopher Reeve and his wife, Dana, will helped lead this year‘s New Year‘s Eve countdown in Times Square. Reeve, paralyzed from the neck down in a 1995 horseback riding accident, joined Mayor Michael Bloomberg in pushing a ceremonial button to start the descent of the famous New Year‘s Eve ball just before midnight.

About half a million revelers gather in Times Square each year to ring in the new year, while millions more watch the festivities live on television. Reeve is an activist for medical research and improving the lives of others with disabilities. The actor, who gained fame for his title role in the „Superman“ movies, is vice chairman of the National Organization on Disability. Last year‘s special guest was former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who administered the oath of office to Bloomberg, his successor, just after midnight on Jan. 1 in Times Square. Other special guests have included former prizefighter Muhammad Ali and members of Nobel Peace Prize-winning group Doctors Without Borders. (Reuters)


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