Quote: The butterfly counts not years but moments and so has enough time. (Tagore)
Phrasal verb: lie down
Definition: to lower your body so that you are in a horizonal position, usually in order to rest or sleep.
E.g.1: When they arrived at the beach, they put their towels on the sand and lay down.

Quote: The butterfly counts not years but moments and so has enough time. (Tagore)

Phrasal verb: lie down

Definition: to lower your body so that you are in a horizonal position, usually in order to rest or sleep.

E.g.1: When they arrived at the beach, they put their towels on the sand and lay down.

E.g.2: I wasn’t asleep – I was just lying down on the bed having a rest.

This phrasal verb can’t be separated.


Japan loses a vote on the resumption of whaling and Britain is refused permission _______ turtle shells, during a global summit in Chile.

1. to farming, 2. to grow, 3. to growing, 4. to farm.


How to impress a woman?

Wine her, dine her, call her, hug her, hold her, surprise her, compliment her, smile at her, laugh with her, cry with her, cuddle with her, shop with her, give her jewelry, buy her flowers, hold her hand, write love letters to her, go the end of the earth and back again for her.

How to impress a man?

Show up naked, bring beer.

Correct answer to the test question: 4. to farm (Králik Róbert)


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