Los Angeles – Pink Floyd fans hoping for a reunion of the veteran English rock band may be waiting in vain, the group’s leader David Gilmour indicated on Monday. Pink Floyd, which has not performed together since 1994, remains on hiatus while its members pursue various projects.
Pigs Might Fly Before Pink Floyd Reunites
His coffers were swelled by the success of a 2-CD Pink Floyd hits compilation, „Echoes,“ which was released late last year. Gilmour said the album „could well be“ the final chapter in the Pink Floyd story. „But we’ll have to see.“ Classic Pink Floyd albums such as „The Wall,“ „The Dark Side of the Moon“ and „Wish You Were Here“ also continue to sell strongly. His solo career pales by comparison, and he’s happy with that. Gilmour said he has not seen him since 1975, when an unrecognizable Barrett casually dropped into the London studio as the band was recording „Wish You Were Here.“ Gilmour is in occa-sional touch with Barrett’s sister, and often thinks of driving up to Barrett’s place for a cup of tea and a chat. „There was a time when his family seemed to think that that sort of thing wouldn’t be a very good idea, but maybe that time has passed. I might get round to it one of these days.“
Gilmour said he was fascinated to learn that drummer Nick Mason has recently become friendly again with Waters. Claiming an inability to hold a grudge, Gilmour said he would be happy to make up with Waters but the feeling is not reciprocated. „Being enemies over something as trivial as who does what within a pop group is pretty childish stuff, isn’t it?“ The video contains a guest appearance by Pink Floyd key-boardist Rick Wright. Gilmour last spoke to Wright a few weeks ago, about boating. But he has not spoken in some time to Mason, who is busy with diverse business interests. The video also contains one brand new song, „Smile,“ for which Gilmour wrote the music and his wife, Polly, the lyrics. A studio version is almost complete, and will make the solo album. With quite a few half-finished pieces of music, he has not got far enough in the process to think about a theme. „I don’t think it’s going to rock out an awful lot,“ he said. (Reuters)
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